Recycle Industrial Flushing Water
So, you're diligently cleaning your spray guns and paint lines on a regular basis. You haven't had any blockages; the paint is flowing well, and you are pleased with the quality of your finish. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing and life is good. But is there is a cloud on the horizon? The only thing that is ruining this spray-painting idyll...the pile of containers that is slowly growing, filled with your waste cleaning water.
These containers could be old 10 or 20-litre paint tins or 1000-litre IBC. The size of the pile could be nothing more than a few tins stacked outside or your own interpretation of the Great Pyramids. Whichever best describes your situation, this waste liquid can become a headache either because the pile is slowly getting larger and you don't know how to dispose of it or you have managed to find a way to dispose of it and the cost has caused you to consider why you bother working at all.
We have a straight forward solution that will allow you to treat your waste water quickly, efficiently and, most importantly, cost effectively. We can adapt our basic system suit your volume of waste water and budget. We have customers who want to treat 100-litres every few weeks and customers who need to treat over 1000-litres per day. Whichever camp you fall into, the treatment process is very similar; our PROCO range of chemicals will treat the waste water, this is then filtered allowing you to separate your waste solids from the water.
Once filtered, the dry solids are easily disposed of and the water can have many uses from being recycled back into the cleaning process, used for general cleaning around your factory or disposed. Either way, this is an easy and effective way to rid yourself of stored waste water and, with chemical costs of around £60.00 per 1000-litres, a cost-effective ongoing way to treat your wash water.
You can read more information about our Proco range of water treatment chemicals on our WATER TREATMENT page.
If you would like to discuss this process in a little more detail then you can call us or send us an email via our CONTACT US page.